Moms We Love to Hate

Sometimes, I wonder if I’m one of those moms that are easy to hate. You know, one of those moms who love Pinterest, party planning and piñata making; the moms who do hot yoga and actually enjoy working out; the moms who pack organic, healthy, made-from-scratch lunches…most days. I guess I am one of those moms. But I don’t do those things to make you feel inadequate, and I don’t do them to drive you crazy. In fact, I don’t do them for you at all. I do them for me. The truth is, I found joy in those things long before I was a parent. And I find even more joy in them now, having little ones to cook, craft and create alongside me.

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The Gift of Time

December has arrived and with it the excitement and magic of the season. What has also arrived is the commercialism and materialism we’ve come to associate with the holidays. It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year – filled with giving, generosity and time spent with loved ones. However, for many of us, the holiday season has become a stress-inducing, frantic, consumption-driven whirlwind of a month…all wrapped up in a pretty bow.

...Head on over to MOMTALKNB to read full article. 

OUR GIFT TO YOU: Download our FREE PDF of a list of 24 GIFTS OF EXPERIENCE for your family to enjoy together over the days leading up to Christmas.